Welcome to my dreamland
Hi, I'm ChinChin! 腦袋裝滿無數個靈魂的雙子女, 熱愛音樂、戲劇和旅行, 認為他們擁有神秘的魔力,能帶領人類穿梭時空進入未知的旅程,這裡記錄著我走訪世界各地所蒐集的聽覺和視覺饗宴,好讓我在多年後,依然能細數那些美妙的奇幻旅程。 A Gemini girl who is addicted to music, theater, and travel. Here are some of my personal ideas and experiences of them. I hope it will come up with a little bit fresh thoughts for you. Trust me, they can bring you into a magical journey. ;)

目前分類:San Francisco golden city (0)

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